Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This building called the Rpac is located between Independence Hall and the Football stadium. Mostly used for recreation like playing basketball or for working out this state of the art facility offers many things to all members. Unlike other facilities the Rpac is big enough to house many activities and your dining needs, also picture is a scarlet walkway which gives you a great inside view of the building. 
Some of the most noticeable things are the scarlet colored walkway going to both sides of the building, and the fact that the building is different colors with tall walls of glass. Once inside you get to see the different levels of the building, seeing the equipment and workout opportunities it offers. As you can see once inside there are hundreds of machines out for personally use. Each level has a balcony for you to lookout on, each of the different levels also have all kinds of fitness equipment for your use. The picture shows the high ceilings and the pillars holding up the structure. The basketball court as a total of eight baskets so that many games can go on at once, with high white ceilings and walls that are either brick or glass.
Before I go the two rooms inside of the Rpac the basketball court and the weight lifting rooms are indented to serve as promote fitness and wellness amongst is thousands of members who use the Rpac and its facilities to stay in shape or to have fun while working out.

1 comment:

  1. nice pictures it seems like am interesting place would try and visit it to work out...
